La bella y la bestia - cuento en inglés

Cuentos en inglés 29 de feb. de 2024

"La Bella y la Bestia" es un cuento clásico que ha sido adaptado en varias ocasiones y se ha convertido en una de las historias más populares en la literatura y el cine. La versión más conocida es la adaptación de Disney, pero la historia tiene orígenes mucho más antiguos.

La historia enseña lecciones valiosas sobre la importancia de la bondad, la comprensión y la aceptación. También destaca la idea de que la verdadera belleza reside en el interior de las personas, y no en su apariencia externa. Además, resalta la importancia del perdón y el amor incondicional como fuerzas transformadoras.

La bella y la bestia en inglés (Beauty and the Beast)

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, there lived a kind-hearted young girl named Belle. Belle was known throughout the village for her love of reading and her compassionate nature. Her days were spent wandering through the cobblestone streets, lost in the pages of her beloved books.

One sunny afternoon, Belle's father, Maurice, set out on a journey to sell his wares at the neighboring town's market. However, as he ventured deeper into the dense forest that bordered the village, he became hopelessly lost. With each passing hour, Maurice's anxiety grew, until at last, he stumbled upon a magnificent castle hidden amongst the trees.

Maurice cautiously entered the castle, seeking shelter from the encroaching darkness. Little did he know that this castle was home to a fearsome Beast, who roamed its halls in solitude, cursed by a powerful enchantment. Upon discovering the intruder in his domain, the Beast's initial fury softened as he listened to Maurice's tale of woe.

Beast: "You trespassed into my castle, old man. But I sense your heart is pure. You may stay... on one condition. You must send me one of your daughters to take your place."

Maurice's heart sank as he thought of Belle, his beloved daughter. Despite his misgivings, he agreed to the Beast's demand, knowing that Belle would willingly sacrifice herself to save her father.

Belle: "I'll go to the castle, Papa. We'll find a way to break this curse together."

And so, with a heavy heart, Belle set out for the mysterious castle, her determination unwavering. As she arrived at the towering gates, Belle was met by the imposing figure of the Beast, whose fierce appearance belied the gentle soul that lay within.

Belle: "I am Belle. I've come to take my father's place."

The Beast's eyes softened at the sight of Belle's courage, and he welcomed her into his home. As the days passed, Belle explored the castle's enchanting halls, discovering its hidden wonders and befriending its enchanted servants, who had been transformed into household objects by the curse.

Belle's gentle spirit and unwavering kindness began to thaw the icy walls around the Beast's heart. With each passing day, they grew closer, sharing laughter, stories, and quiet moments of companionship.

Beast: "Thank you, Belle, for seeing beyond my exterior and accepting me for who I truly am."

Belle: "You are more than your appearance, Beast. You have a kind heart and a gentle soul."

As Belle and the Beast's friendship blossomed into something deeper, they found solace in each other's company, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. And in the warmth of their newfound love, the curse that had ensnared the castle for so long began to weaken, its grip loosening with each beat of their hearts.

Finally, on a beautiful spring morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, Belle and the Beast stood together in the castle's grand courtyard. With a shimmering burst of light, the curse was broken, revealing the true form of the prince who had been trapped within the Beast's form.

Prince: "Belle, my dear, you have freed me from my curse. Will you do me the honor of becoming my princess?"

With tears of joy in her eyes, Belle accepted the prince's proposal, her heart overflowing with love and happiness. And as they embraced beneath the castle's towering spires, their love story became the stuff of legend, a timeless tale of beauty, kindness, and the transformative power of love.

And so, in the village below, the bells of Notre Dame rang out in celebration, echoing the joyous news of Belle and the prince's newfound happiness. For in the end, it was love that conquered all, proving that even the darkest of curses could be lifted by the light of true love's embrace.

La bella y la bestia en español

Había una vez una joven llamada Bella, que vivía en un pequeño pueblo. Un día, su padre, Maurice, se perdió en el bosque y terminó en un castillo misterioso. Resultó que el castillo pertenecía a una Bestia temible, quien lo capturó por entrar sin permiso.

Maurice: "¡Por favor, déjenme ir! Tengo una hija en casa que me necesita."

Bestia: "No te dejaré ir, a menos que tu hija venga a ocupar tu lugar."

Cuando Bella se enteró de lo sucedido, decidió ir al castillo en lugar de su padre. Al principio, tenía miedo de la Bestia, pero con el tiempo descubrió que, a pesar de su aspecto aterrador, era amable y gentil.

Bella: "¿Puedo explorar el castillo?"

Bestia: "Por supuesto, Bella. Hazte sentir como en casa."

Con el tiempo, Bella y la Bestia se hicieron amigos. Juntos, compartieron cenas, paseos por los jardines y conversaciones sobre sus vidas. A medida que pasaban más tiempo juntos, Bella comenzó a ver más allá del aspecto de la Bestia y a apreciar su corazón amable.

Bella: "Eres mucho más amable de lo que pensaba, Bestia."

Bestia: "Gracias, Bella. Tu amistad significa mucho para mí."

Finalmente, el amor y la bondad de Bella transformaron a la Bestia en un príncipe hermoso. Juntos, vivieron felices para siempre en el castillo, recordando siempre que la verdadera belleza está en el interior de las personas.
